How to cancel an unpaid reservation from HomeToGo correctly
Last Update: August 2024
Revised by: Carlos Valencia
- Explain the process to cancel a reservation from HomeToGo through Guesty and OTA.
- Realease the calendar and open the availability of the units.
- Remove unpaid reservation from our properties.
- Ensure that non-paying guests do not check into properties.
HomeToGo doesn't have a dashboard like Airbnb, Vrbo, or Booking.com. The communication is through e-mail, for an unknow reason, the domain wehostgroup.com can't send emails to hometogo.com, so we need to send the email from @gmail.com domain, as miami.reservations2023@gmail.com
- Answer.
Workflow Map
Procedure Line
- Procedure 1.
- Procedure 2.
Important action o information
Mandatory action / information