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Welcome Call

Once a reservation is confirmed and has a future date on the calendar, it is necessary to make a welcome call before the check-in.

Last Update: July 2024


Through this call, we must welcome the guest and inform them about the most important topics to consider before and during their stay. The communication should be reciprocal, addressing and resolving any requests the guest makes during the call.

Important: During this call, no information related to property access, such as access codes or any other details that could enable the guest to enter the property, should be disclosed. This information is provided through automated messages generated by Guesty.

  • Mood of the call: Happiness, helpfulness, cooperation, intuition, cordiality, effectiveness.
  • Agents must introduce themselves with their name in every communication via SMS, call, chat, or WhatsApp.


Which reservations can I make a welcome call to?
  • You can make a welcome call to any confirmed and paid reservation available on the Front Desk Dashboard. Priority should always be given to reservations with check-in today that have not yet received a welcome call.

Captura de pantalla 2024-07-02 180212.png

How does making a welcome call affect my KPI?
  • Once you have completed the entire welcome call procedure as explained in this document, the system will award you 0.25 FDP (Front Desk Performance Points). These points will accumulate throughout the current month, and the agent with the highest number of FDP points at the end of the month will be named Agent of the Month and will receive an additional bonus. You can check the agents' ratings in real time from our Front Desk Control Panel, which is also available on the TV in the break room. Also you can check it from this link. Front Desk TV 

Procedure Line 

Last Update: July 2024

  1. Give a warm welcome as the “HOST” responsible for the unit. (Use the word “host” after introducing yourself with your name to avoid making incorrect distinctions about the company, as we have two roles: “ENVIROTEK” and “WHOST”).